You unleashed the magic.

Thanks for scanning the QR code on my packaging.
On this page you can find several inspirations that make the world of Magic a better place and help my playgroup and myself enjoy the game even more!
If you think I'm missing out on content or have an issue with your order let me know by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.
2p Playmat
Based on the design of the packaging you received from me, I have also created a 2 player playmat. It covers the essential needs for joining a perfect game night. The playmats are for sale at €45 + shipping. I'm also open to alter the design (but prices are a bit higher). You can contact me via the contact form below for more information!

Your own custom packaging
Starting October 2024, I have decided to open up the packaging idea to other sellers on Cardmarket. Should you be interested in a custom design for your professional or bigger private seller account, reach out to me and let's discuss how I can help you with that!
In return for my time I spend on the redesign (about 2 hour) I would be very happy with a shopping voucher to further enhance my MTG collection. We will figure something out ;-)

Urza Gatherer app
Let's start with my favorite tool. Urzagatherer keeps track of your collection. You can manage your decks, quantity of cards and versions. It comes with a desktop and smartphone app that sync with a local dropbox file. Setup is super easy. And best of all, it's free*!
* You can support the guys from France by joining their Patreon account (like I did) for $5 a month to keep their tool up & running.

One of my Magic friends runs his own webshop with a large stock of Magic, Pokémon, Flesh & Blood, sleeves, storage boxes and so on. He tries to keep prices as low as possible. Be sure to check his webshop whenever you are thinking about purchasing the newest set!
Cardwallet ships to all countries in Europe.

Looking for board games or other entertainment? Next to Magic and Pokémon games, Gamealot has a big choice in known and lesser known games for young and old. This webshop is run by a guy from our playgroup. Best place to shop for D&D or the upcoming Heroquest reprint!

Probably known to most people visiting this website but it is/was the best Magic support during the pandamic. Join the online community and play magic via your webcam with people from all over the world.
Nice to know, Spelltable was purchased by Wizards of the Coast last year. Probably helps them to understand what cards are used?

Alter sleeves
I have to admit. I'm a huge fan of the full art Magic cards. Before this was really a thing in Magic I had a friend of mine alter my commanders. Until I heard about altersleeves. Here you can buy inner sleeves that fit specific cards and make them look a lot cooler. Sleeves are $6 a piece and ship worldwide. So less stress than actually sending your cards for an alter and the cards keep their original value!

Marvel sleeves
I'm actually pretty sure that most Magic the Gathering players are also a Marvel fan. And if you are, you should definetely check out the recently lauched Marvel sleeves. Not only are they really cool, they also have a great feeling while playing with them. As if the R&D people from Game Genic really went to a next level!

What's missing?
About me
This website is made by Steven Schutter. I'm a Magic EDH/Commander player based in Antwerp, Belgium. The idea of this website originated from my belief in making the best experience of unpacking magic cards, bought on Cardmarket. If you want to contact me, get in touch via one of my social media channels!
Header image drawn by Erik Weymans. Website created by myself in 2022 with Ucraft.